Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Global Family Funds on Education: About Us

Global Family funds on education is an initiative that Supports global children education in all areas including Research production, leadership development, care advocacy and propagation of right to education, welfare and  project partnership programmes which are centered on  innovative, skilled, quality and basic training.

Jean Piaget the Swiss psychologist who is remembered for conducting a systematic study of the acquisition of understanding in children and is also widely considered to be the most important figure in the 20th-century developmental psychology said "The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things."

It is with this understanding that Global Family funds on Education have set up a foundation that is geared towards creating and fostering opportunities for future generations to be empowered for innovations for global impact with Africa as its primary focal point.

Follow us Twitter @globalfunds4edu and like our Facebook page Global Family Funds on Educationto get updates on our projects and activities. 

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