Thursday, November 1, 2018

Global Family Funds on Education

Global Family funds on education is an initiative that Supports global children education in all areas including research production, leadership development, care advocacy and propagation of right to education, welfare and project partnership programmes which are centered on innovative, skilled, quality and basic training.

Global Family Funds on Education supports the eradication of poverty, globalized Education for Employment, Entrepreneurship, Human Capacity Building, Manpower Development & Training Exchange Program.
Our core values are embedded in the following listed below:

1. Family Health

Global Family Funds on Education trains physicians to be community-minded, to look at both preventative and curative aspects of health, and to build strong relationships with patients and communities. 

We have seen first-hand how a solid primary-care system changes health outcomes, patient satisfaction, and system costs.
2. Sustainability
Global Family Funds on Education foster initiatives brought to us by passionate local leaders, so that capacity for educational programs is created. 

Projects that are grassroots and locally-driven create sustainability.
3. Education
Global Family Funds on Education believes that education is the best way to build a better community. 

Better training for physicians, training that makes them competent and compassionate, will serve the community.
4. Partnerships
Global Family Funds on Education strives for relationships that are transparent and mutually respectful in a beneficial manner to all parties. 

We believe all partners should benefit from joint activities. We engage in collaborative partnerships, bringing the best suited people to our projects.

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